2023 Tenacious Award Winners

  • “There is so little support available for campaigners and it takes such a huge toll fighting the status quo – that’s why the Tenacious Awards fund was such an amazing recognition and help.”

    Zelda Perkins
    Tenacious Awardee 2023

  • “It's really incredible to see a new cohort of grassroots climate activists from all over Latin America, who are now going to actively take part in the UN Climate Conference COP28 thanks to the funding from the Tenacious Awards.”

    Tori Tsui
    Tenacious Awardee 2023

  • “This work is immediate in a way that policy is not. It started out as a very personal and very local campaign. It feels really important to be helping local communities with immediacy.”

    Maya-Rose Craig (AKA Birdgirl)
    Tenacious Awardee 2023

  • “Being tenacious is being genuine, being forthright, being committed, and being relentless.”

    Kwajo Tweneboa
    Tenacious Awardee 2023

  • “Tenacious is what we also think of as audacious. The Three Hijabis are audacious with joy, and we bring that to our work.”

    Huda Jawad
    Tenacious Awardee 2023

  • “The world around you might start changing and things might get more difficult. But if you're focused on your vision and then sticking to that path - that’s tenacity.”

    Diarmaid McDonald
    Tenacious Awardee 2023